Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What a beautiful Tuesday

Surprisingly having a great day at work :-) LML (Love My Life)
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Monday, September 20, 2010

too weak and sick to walk to my desk and type this out

Day 3. . .the only thing keeping me going is my diet consisting of tomato bisque soup and thera flu. And tons of water!!!!
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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Flu: Day 2

Ugh. . .I really can't stand being sick. This is so embarrassing and crazy. While everyone is going out and having a great time I'm stuck in bed drinking Thera-Flu. Oh well, luckily today is Sunday and I will have plenty of Football to watch, Fantasy Football games to win, and a 4 game parlay to watch out for :)

All of you have a blessed Sunday. Despite all my troubles, I'm still going to church :)

May God get all the glory!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

where was this quote last night!! lol

Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently
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Let's get back on it

Good Morning Internet and your followers,
I'm sorry that I haven't had the time to blog and update you guys as much as I want to but be rest assured it's because of a good reason. . .I'm busy! lol

Actually, there are no uses of "lol" in my apartment today, this has to be the worst weekend of the month and latter part of the year and it even happens on my birthday week :(

Last night was a total disaster to say the least. Anaheim was a 2 week project. Everything seemed fine; the servers were operational, all the PCs were operating fine, and the software and other elements were all in place. When we ran the debugger we kept getting so many error messages and to make this short and to even leave out a LOT of cuss words, we had to start over! A 2 week project had to be completed in one night and this whole fiasco started around 8ish!!

Well, thanks to my incredible IT team we were able to get things going by 2 in the morning. . .ugh

And now to make things worse, I wake up and I can't even breathe! My lungs and nasal passages are all congested. I have a terrible migraine and the worst sore throat ever. Not even soup soothes it at all. So now I had to miss class because of it and I also can't see my grandpa because I can't risk getting him sick.

So here I am laying in my bed blogging away until I fall asleep and hopefully wake up with all the symptoms gone.

Anyways, God is good! Through all these troubles, I was paid and I learned a lot about the debugging program. Had it not been for this incident I would have never opened up that book to learn. You can always take away something from everything, no matter how bad the situation.

To all a good night. . .or good morning! :)

Monday, September 13, 2010


My professors are crazy!!! 6 page paper due next class?!?!?
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

knotts or universal?

wish I had a scion :P When is That scion night anyway?
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Anaheim, CA

Good Morning So Cal,
It's going to be a stressful week. No breaks for me and then this weekend I will have to watch my Grandpa again, the craziness just never stops. Anyway, it's beautiful in Anaheim this morning. Went on a nice run to clear my lungs, get my heart pumping and to clear my head before everything begins. So here we go. . .

Have a great day!!
Never stop smiling and never stop laughing!
:) lol

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lyric of the hour

I want to make love right now na na. I wish we never broke up right now na na. We need to make up right now na na.
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Great Point

RevRunWisdom: When ppl brag they show u what they're insecure about
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thank you for always forgiving me and putting up with me cupcake

RevRunWisdom: Love is about forgiving,, and ready to be hurt again if necessary
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Tita Armie

If its not one thing its another thing. Please pray for my Tita Armie Who is having her appendix removed this morning. She has appendicitis.
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Friday, September 3, 2010

grandpas status

G is doing alright. He had a liter of fluid drained from his lungs. Cancer cells present in the lungs. Possible lung cancer.
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Thursday, September 2, 2010

A New Hope. John 5:24

I know many of you are probably thinking that's a Star Wars reference but it isn't (even though it does look like one). I find it very interesting that yesterday morning I felt the need to quote the verse, Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what today may bring forth. (Proverbs 27:1).

Yesterday afternoon we found out that my Grandpa Primo has cancer. They discovered the cancer when they analyzed the fluid that was drained from his lungs. He needs a lot of prayers because Kaiser is going to make him wait until next Friday before they will meet with him to discuss his options and how they will detect where and how severe the cancer is. He has cancer and the fluid is filling up his lungs, he could literally drown in his lungs!! Does it really need to take that long to find out something so important like that?? I can't believe that next Friday is the soonest they can do this, it is so ridiculous!! Right now, I can not focus on those things but instead focus on being there for my Grandpa. During this time I have been comforted by the verse John 5:24, I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life. 

It brings me comfort because I know that my Grandpa is a believer in God and Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior. Please continue to pray for my Grandpa, his doctors, and his family.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So yesterday I had my first day of CrossFit training promptly at 4:30 yesterday after work and oh my gosh. . .that was the most extreme thing I have ever done. I literally felt like I was training like a spartan for the movie 300. My whole entire body was aching after that extremely long workout that felt like it would never end and even this morning my legs, back, and chest is aching in pain. But it was definitely worth it. Too bad I won't do it again for another week once my body repairs :-P

So I looked up the definition of hope in the dictionary and this is what I found: "something that is hoped for"
 Really?!? That's Webster's definition of hope? That's pathetic in my opinion. But when you look at it a second time, how else would you describe hope. Hope is a feeling that everything will play out the way you want it too. You could almost compare hope to gambling. You don't know the future but you will make certain moves based on how you think or HOPE the outcome will happen. Well in our lives we need to put our hope in Jesus Christ. Not any earthly possessions, ideas, or things but in our Creator.

Don't you have your hands full with today? Don't you find yourself distracted from the urgent and important things of today by worrying about the problems of tomorrow and fantasizing about all the possibilities down the road? Isn't it a waste of time to be anxious about those things you have no influence over? So why...?
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what today may bring forth. (Proverbs 27:1)

God, give me the strength to seize the moment and live the life today that will please You and bless others. Help my heart feel the urgency of today and act with boldness, kindness, and salvation instead of worrying so much about what may happen. Amen.