Saturday, September 18, 2010

Let's get back on it

Good Morning Internet and your followers,
I'm sorry that I haven't had the time to blog and update you guys as much as I want to but be rest assured it's because of a good reason. . .I'm busy! lol

Actually, there are no uses of "lol" in my apartment today, this has to be the worst weekend of the month and latter part of the year and it even happens on my birthday week :(

Last night was a total disaster to say the least. Anaheim was a 2 week project. Everything seemed fine; the servers were operational, all the PCs were operating fine, and the software and other elements were all in place. When we ran the debugger we kept getting so many error messages and to make this short and to even leave out a LOT of cuss words, we had to start over! A 2 week project had to be completed in one night and this whole fiasco started around 8ish!!

Well, thanks to my incredible IT team we were able to get things going by 2 in the morning. . .ugh

And now to make things worse, I wake up and I can't even breathe! My lungs and nasal passages are all congested. I have a terrible migraine and the worst sore throat ever. Not even soup soothes it at all. So now I had to miss class because of it and I also can't see my grandpa because I can't risk getting him sick.

So here I am laying in my bed blogging away until I fall asleep and hopefully wake up with all the symptoms gone.

Anyways, God is good! Through all these troubles, I was paid and I learned a lot about the debugging program. Had it not been for this incident I would have never opened up that book to learn. You can always take away something from everything, no matter how bad the situation.

To all a good night. . .or good morning! :)

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